Sunday, August 18, 2013

The weekend...

It was a productive weekend.  Burning, polishing concrete counter tops, milking goats, posting things for sale on Craigslist, making more cheese and installing the concrete countertops. 

The countertops came out great!  I'm very pleased with the results.  We need to find the right product to seal them with; but have learned lessons on what we want to do and not to do for the next concrete counter.  We just have to decide if we are going to do the bathroom or outdoor kitchen counters before we tackle the rest of the kitchen.  (pix to come)

Ben, brother's birthday was today and Robert stopped by for Birthday Dinner.  After a trip to the barn to pick eggs and take a turn at milking the goats; we settled in for grilled steaks (on charcoal - instead of the gas grill), baked potatoes, salad and chocolate pie.  Yes, I actually made a pie!  It was something I haven't done in a while and enjoyed the change in cooking.  Something special, Robert seemed to enjoyed the teat-e-bar experience and using our homemade goat milk butter and sour cream on the potato.  He even took a quart of "his" milk to a co-working who is lactose intolerant to try to see if he can handle raw goat's milk.  I'm anxious to hear the results.  (pix to come)

Tonight is my last night On-Call for the week!  Hope I get a full night's sleep.  Until another day -- Love to All!

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